23 August - Azure Bicep - Finally functions to manipulate CIDRs
28 January - Azure Bicep - Infrastructure as code, next step ?
25 March - Azure Policy - Finally versions for the Built-in definitions
19 February - Azure Private Endpoint - Useful improvement for DNS resolution
08 February - Azure Virtual Network Manager - Manage your IPs with an Azure IPAM built in
12 December - Azure API - Find all the versions available for each resource provider operations
04 December - Azure Network Security Perimeter - Centrally manage your ACLs
17 October - Azure Policy - Manage conflicts in your modify policies
10 September - Bicep - Azure Verified Module, a registry to help you
26 August - Azure Bastion - Finally a free sku for your tests
17 July - Azure KeyVault - Migrate from access policies to RBAC
27 June - Azure Automation - Add a module from powershell gallery on runtime environment
02 April - Azure Bicep - Register provider feature from your template
12 March - Azure Private Endpoint - Deep dive on DNS resolution
11 February - Azure - Anticipate the impacts of the services removal
25 January - Azure Storage - DNS resolution as dependant of the SKU
04 December - Azure - Spring cleaning for your rbac
05 November - Azure Policy - API version hell
20 October - Azure Policy - A powerful tool only with good hands
14 September - Azure Policy - PostgreSQL Flexible Server - Enforce TLS usage
23 August - Azure Bicep - Finally functions to manipulate CIDRs
06 June - Azure Functions - Use Azurite with HTTPS for your unit tests
15 April - Azure Policy - DenyAction effect
10 November - Azure Policy - Find unused policies
07 September - Azure - Overview of cloud governance
20 April - Azure Storage - Simplify your keys rotation
18 March - Azure Policy - Trigger policy scan
16 March - Azure - Use regional endpoint for ARM REST API calls
14 March - Azure - Easily get an Access Token for your REST API calls
08 March - Azure Policy - Add custom error messages
14 December - Improve your Microsoft Defender for Cloud with your custom rules
13 December - Microsoft Defender for cloud - Your toolbox for Azure governance
01 February - Azure RBAC - How to extract all permissions from a role
28 January - Azure Bicep - Infrastructure as code, next step ?
22 September - Azure Powershell - Simplify your multi subscriptions scripts
07 September - Azure Resource Graph - Community samples
30 April - Azure - Resource Group DEFAULT-EVENTGRID
23 April - Azure - Service IPs
13 April - Azure Resource Graph - List all subscriptions of a Management Group
26 February - Pulumi - Store your state in Azure Storage
24 February - Azure - Resource Graph Explorer, your next favorite tool
18 January - Generate an Azure AD Token using the REST API
17 January - Login to your Storage Accounts using Azure Active Directory
16 January - Generate storage accounts SAS Keys using Keyvault
14 January - Azure Policy - Auto shutdown your virtual machines
27 December - Azure Policy - Enforce location for CosmosDB
Azure Active Directory
18 January - Generate an Azure AD Token using the REST API
17 January - Login to your Storage Accounts using Azure Active Directory
10 September - Bicep - Azure Verified Module, a registry to help you
02 April - Azure Bicep - Register provider feature from your template
23 August - Azure Bicep - Finally functions to manipulate CIDRs
28 January - Azure Bicep - Infrastructure as code, next step ?
Cosmos DB
27 December - Azure Policy - Enforce location for CosmosDB
Entra ID
Event Grid
30 April - Azure - Resource Group DEFAULT-EVENTGRID
Github Actions
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Network Security Perimeter
24 May - Github Actions - If we used it to do our technology watch
26 December - New blog
25 March - Azure Policy - Finally versions for the Built-in definitions
17 October - Azure Policy - Manage conflicts in your modify policies
05 November - Azure Policy - API version hell
20 October - Azure Policy - A powerful tool only with good hands
14 September - Azure Policy - PostgreSQL Flexible Server - Enforce TLS usage
15 April - Azure Policy - DenyAction effect
10 November - Azure Policy - Find unused policies
20 April - Azure Storage - Simplify your keys rotation
18 March - Azure Policy - Trigger policy scan
08 March - Azure Policy - Add custom error messages
14 December - Improve your Microsoft Defender for Cloud with your custom rules
14 January - Azure Policy - Auto shutdown your virtual machines
27 December - Azure Policy - Enforce location for CosmosDB
Private Endpoint
26 February - Pulumi - Store your state in Azure Storage
Resource Graph
07 September - Azure Resource Graph - Community samples
13 April - Azure Resource Graph - List all subscriptions of a Management Group
24 February - Azure - Resource Graph Explorer, your next favorite tool
25 January - Azure Storage - DNS resolution as dependant of the SKU
20 April - Azure Storage - Simplify your keys rotation
17 January - Login to your Storage Accounts using Azure Active Directory
16 January - Generate storage accounts SAS Keys using Keyvault
Virtual Machines
14 January - Azure Policy - Auto shutdown your virtual machines